Monday, August 30, 2010

E Technology Solutions

e Technology Solutions
Hi,We are dealing with Computer Software Computer Hardware Sales & Services, Networking. If needed contact us 9962610818. else please ignore.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Ellora Kreatives

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Education for Character & Swami Vivekananda


True Education

Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man (IV/358)


What is education? is it book-learning? No. Is it diverse knowledge? Not even that.
The training by which the current and expression of will are brought under control
and become fruitful is called education.

To me the very essence of education is concentration of mind, not the collecting of facts.If I had to do my education over again, and had any voice in the matter, I would not study facts at all. I would develop the power of concentration and detachment,and then with a perfect instrument I could collect facts at will. (VI.38-39)

The world can be good and pure, only if our lives are good and pure. it is an effect, and we are the means. Therefore, let us purify ourselves. Let us make ourselves perfect. (//.99)

Well, you consider a men as educated if only he can pass some examinations and deliver good lectures. The education Which does not help the common mass of people to equip themselves for the struggle for life, Which does not bring out Strength of character, a spirit of philanthropy, and the courage of a lion -- is it worth the name? Real education is that which enables one to stand on one's own legs. The education that you are receiving now in schools and colleges is only making you a race of dyspeptics, you are living a jelly-fish existence. (VII. 147-148)

Education is not the amount of information that is put into brain and runs riot there, undigested, all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of idead. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library. (III. 302)
Do you not find in history that the first death-sign of a nation has been unchastity? When that has entered, the end of the race is in sight. (II. 101)
We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one's own feet. (V. 342)
Bring light to the poor; and bring more light to the rich, for they require it more than the poor. Bring light to the ignorant, and more light to the educated, for the vanities of the education of our time are tremendous. (III. 247)
What we want are Western science coupled with Vedanta, Brahmacharya as the guiding, motto, and also Shraddha and faith in one's own self. (V. 366)

Do you see, simply by the observance of strict Barhmacharya (continence) all learning can be mastered in a very short time-one has an unfailing memory of what one hears or continence that everything is on the brink of ruin in our country. (VII-224)



Neither money parys, nor name, nor fame, nor learning; it is CHARACTER that can cleave through adamantine walls of difficulties. (VLL. 487)

If you really want to judge of the character of a man, look not at his great performances. Every fool may become a hero at one time or another. Watch a man do his most common actions; those are indeed the things which will tell the real character of a great man. (I. 29)
Every work that we do, every movement of the baby, every thought that we think, leaves an impression on the mind- stuff, and even when such impressions are not obvious the surface, they are sufficiently strong to work beneath the surface, subconsciously. What we are every moment is determined by the sum total of these impressions on the mind. This is really what is meant by character; each man's character is determined by the sum total of these impressions. If good impressions prevail, the character becomes good; if bad, it becomes bad. If a man continuously hears bad words, thinks bad thoughts, does bad actions, his mind will be full of bad impressions; and they will influence his thought and work without his being conscious of the hands of do evil, and that man will be a bad man; he cannot help it. Similarly, if a man thinks good thoughts and does good works, the sum total of these impressions will be good, and they, in a similar manner, will force him to do good, even in spite of himself. When such is the case, a man's good character is said to be established. (I. 54)


The miseries of the world cannot be cured by physical help only. Until man's character changes, these physical needs will always arise, and miseries will always be felt, and no amount of physical hrlp will cure them completely. The only solution of this problem is to make mankind pure. lgnorance is the mother of all the evil and all the misery we see. let men have light, let tham be pure and spiritually strong and educated, then alone will misery cease in the world, not before. We may convert every house in the country into a charity asylum, we may fill the land with hospitals, but the misery of man will still continue to exist untill man's character changes. (I. 53)
Truth does not pay homage to any society, ancient or modern. Society has to pay homage to Truth or die. Societies should be moulded upon truth, and truth has not to adjust itself to society... That society is the greatest, where the highest truths become practical. That is my opinion; and if society is not fit for the highest truths, make it so; and the sooner, the better. (II. 84-85)


It is in the nature of things that many should fall, that troubles should come, that tremendous difficulties should arise, that selfishness and all the other devils in the human heart should struggle hard, when they are about to be driven out by the fire of spirituality. The road to the good is the roughest and steepest in the universe. It is a wonder that so many succeed; no wonder that so many fall. Character has to be established through a thousand stumbles. (VIII. 383)


The only remedy for bad habits is counter habits; all the bad habits that have left their impressions are to be controlled by good habits. Go on doing good, thinking holy thoughts continuously; that only way to suppress base impressions. Never say any man is hopeless, because he only represents a checked by new and better ones. Character is repeated habits, and repeated habits alone can reform character. (I. 208)

We are responsible for what we are; and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act. (I. 31)
Men in general lay all the blame of on their fellowmen, or, failing that, on God, or they conjure up a ghost, and say it is fate. Where is fate, and who is fate? We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. None else has the blame none has the praise. (II. 224)
For every weakening thought you have put into anyboby's you will have to pay with compound interest. (I. 479)
Say, "This misery that i am suffering is of my own doing, and that very thing proves that it will have to be undone by me alone." That which i created, I can demolish; that which is created by someone else, I shall never be able to destroy. Therefore, stand up, be bold, be strong. Take the whole responsibility on your own shoulders, and know that you are the creator of your own destiny. (II. 225)
No one can get anything unless he earns it. this is an eternal law. We may sometimes think it not so, but in the long run we become convinced of it. A man may struggle all his life for riches; he may cheat thousands, but he finds at last that he did not deserve to become rich, and his life becomes a trouble and a nuisance to him. We may go on accumulating things for our physical enjoyment, but only what we earn is really ours. A fool may buy all the books in the world, and they will be in his library; but he will be able to read only those that he deserves to; and this deserving is produced by Karma. (1. 31)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010